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Counselor's Corner

Welcome! We Are glad you are here!

My name is Tammy Brown and I am the counselor here at Mustang Trails Elementary.  I am looking forward to another wonderful year at Trails!  I will be coming to your child's classroom numerous times throughout the year for guidance lessons and will cover a variety of topics such as Responsibility, friendship, bullying, making healthy choices for our bodies, and many more.  I also provide support groups throughout the year to address more specific issues to further assist children in being successful academically.  If you have any concerns throughout the year please feel free to contact me.

Malorie Myers headshot

Hello Trails Family! My name is Malorie Myers, and I am the Kindergarten—2nd grade school counselor. I am so  excited to begin my second year and continue to develop relationships with your students! I love getting to visit all the classrooms and see how your students are not only growing academically, but emotionally as well. As your students' counselor, we will continue to learn coping skills for our big emotions, how to be good friends, make smart choices, learn about bullying and what to do in those situations, and how we can be good stewards of our bodies health. Throughout the year, I also provide small group instruction on more specific topics for students who need extra emotional support. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to another great year! 


We are here to advocate for all students. If you ever have any questions or concerns or do not wish to have your child participate in these school counseling services, please do not hesitate to contact me.  

*Please note school counselors do not provide “therapy” or “traditional counseling”. Referrals for outside counseling services are available for children experiencing grief, divorce, family separation, deployment, or mental health concerns.

The Mustang Counseling staff will provide a comprehensive, developmental program that addresses the academic, social and emotional and career readiness needs of all students.  For more information visit the

MPS School Counseling Page

First page of the PDF file: child-abuse-hotline-card-english-2017
First page of the PDF file: pdf-svp-0125x_suicide_prevention_card_508

Contact US

Tammy Brown M.A.-LPC
Email Me

Malorie Myers
Email Me - coming soon

Family Resources for help & support:

Mustang/Yukon Food Pantries

Bill Pay Assistance

Oklahoma Family Counseling Services – 405-577-5477

Red Rock Behavioral Health Services – 405-354-1928, 405-262-3209

Reachout Hotline, ODMHSAS – 800-522-9054 – 24 hours a day

HeartLine – 800-273-TALK – 24 hours a day

Youth Crisis Mobile Response HotlineYouth Crisis Mobile Response Hotline 1-833-885-CARE, 24 hour crisis assistance

MPS Resource Links